Martin County Coastal Monitoring Survey

Under the terms of our professional services agreement with Martin County, Morgan & Eklund, Inc. performed a coastal monitoring survey of the Martin County shoreline along previously established FDEP Range Monuments.

During this large-scale topographic/bathymetric mapping project, our firm performed onshore and wading profiles along 127 FDEP profile lines. M&E collected the offshore elevation data using our state-of-the-art bathymetric charting system consisting of a 26’ Parker Survey Boat, Real-time Kinematic GPS System, Digital Fathometer, Hypack Navigation Software and Heave, Pitch and Roll Compensator.

Water surface elevations were measured by the RTK/GPS System and verified to a tide staff elevated from an FDEP Range Monument using differential leveling.

Quality control procedures for the onshore and offshore profiles included closed loop level runs, calibration of echosounders using a “bar check,” verifying the correlation between onshore and offshore profiles in the overlap area and comparison of the recent profiles with historical data sets.

Case Study

Brevard County Hurricane & Storm Damage Reduction

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4909 US Highway 1
Vero Beach, FL 32967